Despite a headache and a mild lack of enthusiasm to get out in the cold and cloudy weather, I spent nearly 4 hours birding Lake Creek Trail this morning. I started at the Parmer Village development and ended up finding 60 species which is a pretty high count for our neighborhood. It was a very fun morning and several times I really felt like I was in the birding "zone". I had a few of those experiences that make me feel like I've just faded into the background and I'm watching birds simply living their lives unaffected by me.
- I re-found the 2 Black-crowned Night-Herons that Moria Darnell found on November 13 by the Parmer Lane bridge.
- Nearby a Song Sparrow started singing about 15 feet away from me in the reeds.
- A few minutes later I heard a Sora voice a few single notes from deep in the cattails.
- Upstream in the woods by the last dam I found 2 Spotted Towhees and 1 Brown Thrasher (the first one I've seen this fall) deep in some dense brush, foraging on the ground and oblivious to my presence.
- On the other side of the playing fields near the footbridge I was standing just off the trail when a Sharp-shinned Hawk flew by me from across the creek, right through some dense brush like it wasn't even there.
Here are a few pictures I took.
Wow, the birding zone! I've felt that a few times myself. It's a wonderful feeling.
Glad the Black-crowned night herons are still there.
Yes! I need to try and describe it better, maybe in a future post.
BTW, Ken Williams sent me a note this morning that he looked for the Black-crowned Night-Herons and did not find them. But he did find 2 Sedge Wrens.
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