This morning 11 of us met at the Lake Creek Trail parking lot for the September NASWC Bird Walk. It was quite pleasant. There was some color in the sky when I arrived a little after 7:00 AM, and I don't think the temperature got above the mid 80s during the 2 and a half hours we were out. We found 39 species and here are the highlights:
- A female Summer Tanager was in the willow trees by the parking lot.
- Many epidonax flycatchers were around, and we got a couple good looks at the most common species, Least Flycatcher. I got this picture of one.

- We had good luck with Warblers, finding 2 American Redstarts, a Yellow Warbler, at least 2 Wilson's Warblers, and 1 first-year Mourning Warbler.
- We had pretty good luck with vireos too. After hearing White-eyed Vireos for most of the morning, most of us finally got a pretty good look at one on our way back. And we got decent looks at a couple Bell's Vireos as well.
- On the footbridge we could see a flock of Roller Pigeons in the distance, most likely circling over the house of their owner. Occasionally we'd see them tumble in mid-air while they flew.
- On our way back we found this tiny Gulf Coast Toad on the trail.

Ha, I only saw 17 species, but I was happy with it. :)
Thanks for leading the walk, Mike!
Was awoken the morning by a Great Horned calling outside the bedroom window. S/he must have called for 10 minutes! What a lovely sound to awaken to!
Hazelhurst Dr.
Wow, very cool Sheri!
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