Thursday, April 30, 2009

Herons, Redstart

I spent an hour and a half on Lake Creek Trail after work today, starting at the Braes Valley parking lot and going as far as the footbridge. The time of day and the south wind were not great for birding, but this time of year it's good to get out as much as you can. You might find 1 spring migrant that makes it worthwhile. For me, tonight the bird was a bright red and black male American Redstart, actively foraging in the mid-level canopy in the dense woods. This was the first I've seen in the neighborhood this year. There were also still many Common Yellowthroats in the low brush, and I heard a single Yellow-breasted Chat. I saw the first Eastern Wood-pewee I've seen this year, and saw these 2 Little Blue Herons flying over the footbridge.

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