Monday, September 8, 2008

FOS Sharp-shinned Hawk

I spent a little over an hour birding Lake Creek Trail this evening. Most of the interesting birds were right by the parking lot. I watched 14 Baltimore Orioles fly over me and briefly stop in a nearby cottonwood tree. There were 2 very bright males in the group. An Eastern Wood-pewee briefly came out of some dense brush. And I got a quick look at a Sharp-shinned Hawk flying over -- the first I've seen this fall. These hawks are very similar to the slightly larger Cooper's Hawk. Both are winter residents in the neighborhood and both specialize in hunting other birds. Near the footbridge there was a nice line of clouds south of the T&C playing fields. I got this picture.

On my way back 3 Common Nighthawks briefly and silently past over me flying low near the trail parking lot.

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