Sunday, May 4, 2008

NASWC Bird Walk

Six of us participated in the NASWC bird walk this morning and it was one for the record books! We birded the hike-and-bike trail from the playing fields at the end of Meadowheath to the new parking lot. The weather was beautiful, the temperature was perfect, and we found lots of migrating birds including 8 species of warbler. Here are the highlights:
At times it was hard to keep up with all the birds being seen and heard. It really was a remarkable morning of spring migration. A special mention goes to Kim McKnight who joined us with her husband and 2-month-old daughter in-tow. Kim was spotting warblers high up in the tree canopy while her daughter slept in a baby sling. What a dedicated birder!


Twylite said...

Hi Mike!
Sounds like ya'll had a great walk! We were at the cruise in Round Rock on Saturday night and watched a red shouldered hawk snag a grackle right out of the air no more than 20 feet over our heads. It was amazing!


La said...

eqjfhi Mikael, read your post on txbirds and since im in n austin, was wondering what trail you were talking about. can you tell me where it is, and would like to tag along with you some time. laura
you can reach me at

ConsciousGardener said...

Orioles and Owls Wow!