Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Storm Last Night

The thunderstorm last night was the most intense we've gotten in awhile. I'm sure lightning struck within the NASWC area several times. During spring migration storms like this can concentrate migrating birds making for fun birding afterwards. So I got up early this morning and got a couple hours of birding in before work. I was mostly on the flood plain property but I also birded Meadowheath a bit. I started by the T&C playing fields and got this photo of the sun still low in the sky. It was a beautiful cool and clear morning.

There were a few interesting birds to be found including 4 species of warbler (Tennessee, Black-throated Green, Common Yellowthroat, and at least 4 Wilson's) and a Blue-headed Vireo. There was also a Swainson's Thrush singing it's strangely harmonic fluting song. I saw a Gray Catbird carrying nesting material. It would be unusual for this species to be nesting here, so I'll have to keep a lookout for this bird in the coming weeks and months. After a long day at work I walked around the neighborhood for about 45 minutes this evening. I found one flock of Cedar Waxwings and on Stillforest I got my best look in years at a low flying Mississippi Kite. It must have been perched nearby. It was flying 10-15 feet over the tree tops. The evening sun showed it off nicely.


Anonymous said...

That picture is beautiful.

I really want to see a flock of Cedar Waxwings. I've heard they can get really large, but I've never seen one other than flying over. I'd like to see them in a tree, so I can get a good look at them.

I also can't wait to see a Mississippi Kite one of these days.

Why wouldn't a Gray Catbird nest here?

Mikael Behrens said...

I don't know for sure. According to the range maps we are a little west of their breeding range. But that floodplain property has habitat they like. I always see them there during migration and a Gray Catbird wintered there once.